Good morning thread

Good morning Sawyers
Chores around the house today.

We ran a lot in boot camp, and lots of humping and running in Marine Combat Training. I bet my sweat is still on those S CA mountains.
Aww the good old days, running hungover and still drunk. Lots of puke as well.

Saw safe
I used to look side eye at “Hollywood” Marines. Then I was set straight by a friend. He told me that the Island might have been rife with insects and out in the middle of nowhere but it’s actually worse going through it when you can see the San Diego airport traffic every day.
18 degrees and sun. Morning Brad. Wife wants me to go to Costco with her. I don't know why she bothers asking.
Me Mrs shudders at the thought of shopping wif me ,,knows it’s gonna cost a min of 40% more than she had budgetd ,,plus mah whining,stomping tantrums when I gotta go put sumthin back 😢😢😡🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️( love it when a plan comes together 🤔👍👍😎) 😉
When I was on the Hotshot crew, we had a kid that could run the mile and a half in 6:58. He'd been a champion track runner at a local high school and was one of only 6 people that ran a sub 4:15 mile in high school in Oregon at that time (1993).

We had several guys that ran sub 7:30 1.5 milers. My best time ever was 8:17. No angry dads with shotguns involved.
In high school cross country my mile times were 4:12 in 2004-2007 there were kids doing them in just under 4 minutes then.