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Nov 21, 2020
Яoɔhesʇeᴚ, ᴎY
This thang gotta go too

The Red Thorn
The Red Rocket
The Gink Smacker
The Tear Jerker
The 9th Symph

It was given many nicknames over the years - many of which I’ve forgotten - but all of which nonetheless were all well earned and in my mind it was all in good fun - it really was a well known icon that spoke for itself during it’s time of existing as a pop star in a couple different variations….. and oh boy did it ever serve as the starter of many threads and conversations over the years…

On a side note, I always felt that muffler, after being modified of course, quite well resembled the looks of Mister Copsey himself - to fit the true look it does need some more mustache, but that aside, it truly does look like him, oddly enough….

If interested, place your name, thusly creating a list of names to be the base for a drawing of which one will be deemed the new owner of the saw….

Been years since I fired it - I couldn’t tell you the last time it spun…. I’m curious to see how easily it may (or may not) start for the yet to be determined winner….

Rock on gentlemen….. 👊🔥🤙
Once upon a time, in a land that was both round on the ends and hi in the middle, there lived a wizard of dubious reputation. This wizard burst onto the scene with much fanfair. As he had no real experience in the art of magic, many of the other wizards were skeptical of his abilities. He quickly developed a following through relentless advertising. However, many of those other wizards remain skeptical to this day as there are many tales of the wizard's spells not turning out exactly as planned. The following is one such yarn...

The Red Thorn was an instrument of great renown, the young wizard had told the entire kingdom that he had cast a very powerful spell on it. It was said that The Red Thorn could be played faster and louder than any other instrument of its kind. The wizard would tell anyone who would listen about the amazing abilities of The Red Thorn.

After hearing many of these stories a young peasant boy decided that he must possess The Red Thorn. The wizard warned the peasant boy that The Red Thorn was full of powerful magic and that many of the other peasants would be jealous of his prize. The peasant boy was not worried as he was used to the other peasants jealousy, they had long tormented him for both the goodness of his looks and the tightness of his pants, neither of which could be matched by anyone in the kingdom.

A bargain was struck and the boy proudly took possession of The Red Thorn. He was quite enamored with the volume at which The Red Thorn would play. So enamored, in fact, that he wanted to let the rest of the kingdom share in the glory of his newly acquired instrument. He brought The Red Thorn to the next gathering of the villagers.

Many villagers were present, including a villager with an instrument very similar to The Red Thorn. The difference being that this other instrument was unenchanted. A challenge was issued and it was decided that The Red Thorn would perform against the unenchanted instrument. The peasant boy was confident that The Red Thorn would win the competition handily. After all, the wizard had told the entire kingdom how powerful his magic was, over and over and over and over and over and over again.

The performance was very loud and vigorous.

After the proverbial dust had settled there erupted a great wave of laughter from the villagers, The Red Thorn had been defeated. While The Red Thorn was indeed much louder than its unenchanted challenger, The Red Thorn was in fact much slower. Apparently the wizard's "powerful" magic was not nearly as powerful as the kingdom had been lead to believe. The peasant boy was flabbergasted, he couldn't believe the wizard had deceived him.

As much as they had laughed, the villagers had pity on the poor peasant boy. Another wizard stepped forward and offered to undo all the enchantments the boisterous wizard had performed. The peasant boy readily accepted and handed over The Red Thorn. When he received it back the difference was staggering, it now did everything it was supposed to do. In order to verify these new enchantments the boy once again pitted The Red Thorn aginst an unenchanted instrument. This time he was triumphant and rode the wave of his victory all the way to the creation of his own kingdom.

Legend has it that the wizard has not learned form his mistakes and that if confronted will run to the king and queen and have them smite the persons who would dare question his magic.