Not So Pros v3.0

Anybody else moving like pond water this morning?

It's a day off and eye yam moving at my own pace, today.
Might have to do some motor scooter Eurothrashing as eye tend to some very impotent business and then maybe offload the far'wood from the Great White Hope. Maybe.

That's me yesterday and today. Wish I could go run up some Suzuki miles instead...
Only on AS would a thread like that go 45 pages
I knew an old guy here who burnt railway ties in a huge old home built steel plate stove. I was in the basement where the stove was and turned the lights off and the whole thing was glowing red and you could see through cracks and holes in the stove in about 8 places. The floor upstairs was almost too hot to walk on lol. The house did eventually burn down but it was years and years afterward
@ the fone co is you wanted old poles we had a waiver you had to sign,,, making it aware you were getting toxic stuff.
I guess burning them in open air is not bad.
But in a wood stove I guess being closed down it creates some nasty emissions.
We usually just traded the poles for beer to farmers wanting to build barns.

Something amazing. Mc oly at one point acknowledge the existence of sarcasm
At what page was the cops called on you?
View attachment 3908I’m all set. I’ve been looking everywhere for it and my vet finally got some in

Local place. They have paper signs all around the animal meds area warning of the dangers of using ivermectin for humans....