Not So Pros v3.0

We have an LG front load that I bought from Sears bargin basement(customer return) going on 8 trouble free years years .
But having said that, I don't wash horse blankets , brass shell casings , chainsaw parts or monies in it so not sure how long it would last for you guys .
I have an LG as well
Just bought it and the rest of my life back from the red headed Demon
The last two years have been trouble free as the new Girlfriend takes my laundry to her house and washes it:farkyou:
We got a Maytag from probly the 80's at work that has washed every nasty ass grease soaked piece of clothing from all the shop employees and some outside guys for at least 20 years, nobody has ever worked on it that I've ever seen. Try that with a new one
When you have a bunch of heads cluttering up your fortress you can arrange them on pikes and tastefully decorate the landscape.

When ordering in volume they get put on a pallet for shipping by truck.
Now if’n You’re especially shitty, you can make like the Transylvanian fella and use them to make human kabobs..
guess the sphincter makes an excellent starting point.