Not So Pros v3.0

Also lube it up good and keep the chamber dry. the oil might be creating a suction. you ain't usin gease are ya?

Just rem oil. It cycles brass perfectly, I tore it down looking for any obvious signs and looked great. Mentioned it to mel, the guy that owns the lgs and he insisted on sending it in. He tested it upon return and same story, offered to do a even up trade in on another but I refused and brought it home. Not his deal and I got brass anyhow. I'm in no way not happy with diamondback. For the price point they are excellent
Cost of them funny tastin' white mints have gone through the roof!

You know, them ones used in swimming pools, the ones that keep the pool water clean.

So's it's 2 copper plated ground rods I have insulated from one another and mounted to a block of foam so's they will float.
Attached a solar charger and stuffed some water softener salt in the little deal that floats around in the water.
The result should be 'salt chlorine" through "electrolysis"

Of course there will be copious amounts of chemical warfare to get things started, butt hoping the "electrolysis" will reduce the use of chemicals in the big vinyl pond in the yard.
The problem with the cream is that its difficult to get to the fungus with the toenail in the way, now that its gone the chances of it working are better by 40%
I have had fungus nails for several years and you never really get rid of it. If it isn't visible you still have to keep treating it. I am using Ciclopitox that I put on the nails daily.