I have a query

twas bout 3 yr ago ina land where pigs used chainsawrs,,,,,,,,I had just came thru a total left hip replacement sturgery ,,,,,,,,a few days later I think it was BBB ?? inquired bout my recovery progress an refered to the component asa "hoint" has been a common term ever since (y) T-1 brought it over the void to hear ;);):geek:
hmmm 2 stories ,,,,vehwe different ,,,,,,,guess we could figure which came first ,,,,balls or hips :rolleyes:,,,no matter its hear to stay (y)

I made a post about putting new ball joints in my Honda Foreman and hit the h instead of j [hoints]. T1 has a 5 second time limit for making a edit so we had hoints.

Hip ball hoints.

Got it.
twas bout 3 yr ago ina land where pigs used chainsawrs,,,,,,,,I had just came thru a total left hip replacement sturgery ,,,,,,,,a few days later I think it was BBB ?? inquired bout my recovery progress an refered to the component asa "hoint" has been a common term ever since (y) T-1 brought it over the void to hear ;);):geek:
It started in the NSP forum.