Not So Pros v3.0

There are people out marching who have absolutely no idea of the actual particulars of this case. They would be called useful idiots. The media and the leftists have whip them up into a fervor without educating them first.
this was kinda my main point. i heard some thing totally different in that ruling than most others did. hence my not understanding all the hub bub.
however, eye yam convinced most are on drugs, so that could explain much.


Ok, it's on like Donkey Kong now. Two days ago all the traps were either snapped or bait gone so yesterday i hung mouse traps with peanut butter on the trees, this morning nothing was touched none of the peanut butter was gone and none snapped. So i just now set up another conibear and put a game cam on it. got it centered up and ready to see what the heck is snapping the traps. maybe pics will be posted tomorrow. i hope i got the camera set right. i tried it out three times and put the sd card in this puter to see if i had it right. it was. we will see.
Any chance you could go “live feed “ so we awl can chat n wait tonite ,,,and we sure wood enjoy watching you getting chased around by an angry momma coon 🤗😉🤫🙀😳