Good morning thread

Fryday? how about that
Good Morning ! 24/25, clowdz ,may snow . Got blood work and IV fluids yesterday . Apparently , I failed to study adequately for the blood test . Gots to leave here in a bit ,and go to Butler for a blood transfusion . So , that takes care of my morning . Maybe something more gooder will come along for my afternoon agenda .
Take no prisoners John👍
Redz scarez the shitz outa me !! Most eyeve encountrd wuz pure evil !!😱😳😬👹
was married to one...
Big Yup on the pure evil side once they are finished with you.
i swore them off after my experience.
Might use one NSA if the chance came up,but i doubt it.
My bookkeeper is a red headed goddess,but ...
Ya her butt is to die for.
Well she left and a year later she got pregnant - the father beat her and the baby up 3 months after their child was born and a few months passed by and she violated the restraining order to let the father alone with their daughter that still hadn’t fully recovered from the first beating - she went into the other room to fall asleep and she woke up to the sir daughter not breathing with a blow to the head

Sounds a lot like to me it’s not very complicated in that she truly wanted a dead baby

Again, how romantic…. ❤️
And speaking of being cold blooded….

I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say she is moreso than I am…. I moved on and had a child and he’s still alive and healthy and breathing

She moved on and let some fuck give her a kid and then allowed him to kill it

I win….
Lalalala this good mernin thread is strayin purty far frum “good” !!😳🤷‍♂️😟