Not So Pros v3.0

The fires down by the Sequoias are beating their asses, despite the false PR bullshit to make the softheads feel better about a bunch of trees the fires can't kill.
Like Dixie, they are perverse and don't do what they expect them to do.
burn baby burn
Time to clear cut some old growth in the near future?
skeans i kinda got so i prefer the tsumura even over the sugi. it has a bigger oil hole. ever tried to drill out the hole on a sugi? hard shit.
i also think the tsumura cools faster, less blisters on my shoulder in the summer.
I haven’t they oiled good enough on what I was running them on, most of the time I’ll use a carbide burr to enlarge the oil holes. Anymore I’m running Stihl light bars but the oiling holes are tiny so they get a little bit of a work over before even being run.